Friendship Bouquet

Friendship Bouquet


 Materials Needed:

Small picture of each child
Flower template
Leaf template
Construction paper (several different colors)
Green drinking straws
Fine tip marker/pen
Flower pot
Modeling clay
Note paper


What to Do:

Ask the children to tell you some nice things about each of their classmates.
Write these compliments onto note paper, making sure to note the names of both the child making the compliment and the name of the child who was complimented.
Using the flower template, trace it onto the construction paper and then cut it out. Repeat this step until you have one flower for each child.
Using the leaf template, trace it onto the construction paper and then cut it out. Repeat this step until you have enough leaves so that each flower will have two leaves.

Using tape/glue attach each child's picture to the center part of a flower.
Using the fine tip marker/pen write some of the compliments onto the petals of the flower containing the picture of the child to which they pertain to.
Tape the straws to the backs of the flowers to make stems for each of the flowers.
Tape two leaves to each "stem" (straw).
Place some modeling clay into the bottom of the flower pot to help hold the flowers in place.
Stick all of the flowers into the pot to create a "Friendship Bouquet".
Place the "Friendship Bouquet" in a central location for all to see.


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