Candy Man Playing Card


Candy Man Playing Card

Materials Needed:
Image1 2 - Playing cards (heart suit)
Image1 Red construction paper
Image1 Red pipe cleaners
Image1 Black marker
Image1 Lollipop
Image1 Stapler
Image1 Tape
Image1 Template

What to Do:
Image1 Using template, trace and cut out both small and large hearts on red construction paper.
Image1 Cut pipe cleaners so that you have four pieces. Two of them should be about 2 inches long and two of them should be about 3 inches long.
Image1 Instruct children to:
- Make a happy face on the larger heart.
- Write name on the small heart.
- Take one of the playing cards and turn it face down.
- Tape the pipe cleaners to the back of the card to form arms and legs.
- Make loop at the end of one arm to hold the lollipop.
- Poke pipe cleaner end from other arm through the heart with the name on it, and bend up so it "holds" the heart.
- Bend the bottom of the longer pipe cleaners at angles to form the "feet".
- Put rolled loops of tape on back of first card.
- Lay second card with back facing down, on top of the rolled tape.
Image1 Staple one staple in to the top center of cards.
Image1 Using rolled tape, invite children to tape a heart with face on it on top of staple.
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